
More? or less?

Though I was born left-handed, I have been, like so many before me, converted from my southern paw to a right-handed one. Some folks, like my grandfather, were of the mindset that right-handed people find more success, and coached their kids out of natural tendencies. Thankfully, in our day and age, there are fewer cases of such a psychological amputation.

Although Sinistra is based in stoke theory and the drawings of newly left-handed writers and veterans, what is most interesting is its deliberate derivation from the occasionally oppressive majority. Sinistra provides an alternative to dexter, where there was none before. Now, I would give my right arm to be ambidextrous, and yet the feat has never been so easy. When our fingertips determine the letters that we use, anyone can be ambidextrous.

Sinistra Left Leaning Roman
Sinistra Upright Italic
Sinistra Small Caps

Sinistra is made for people who want their letters to identify with left-handedness, which is pretty predictable when you're designing a left-handed typeface. However, Sinistra allows for a goofy distinction that was previously impossible within text. My hope is to provide a starting point for further development of a larboard style of constructed lettering.

What makes Sinistra left-handed is the qualities it draws from writing. Sinistra has a reversed ductus, a forward thrust, signals that demonstrate push strokes, and right-to-left strokes for t, f, A, E, F, H, T, and X. This results in a left-leaning roman, and a true italic with a two degree tilt.